Welcome to AeroBrasil
We are Aerobrasil and we are proud to work with high level aircraft and use modern technologies. We are preparing to start operations at IVAO.
Whatsapp deactivation
Posted by Joab C. on 07/27/2023
Greetings Dear Commanders of the Brazilian Wings, I would like to inform you that in addition to the changes that have been implemented at VA since January 2023, we have several means of communication and interaction within AeroBrasil, including Discord for interaction between members and members, opening tickets to resolve any issues related to V.A and in the future now we will put a suggestion channel. And we also have our means of communication between STAFF and members, through e-mails and notes on the external and internal website. We inform you that as of 01/08/2023 our Whatsapp group will be disbanded / deactivated after 1 year of services provided. Reasons: In addition to not all VA pilots participating, we have to move the discord (we have it and no one uses it), avoid problems that the person silenced the group and did not see any news or changes in the forecast and then complain or say that he did not know . In order to avoid this type of problem, we decided in an assembly and with reference to the best international VAs to close the group. I believe that everyone here knows that Whatsapp from STAFF members is not for solving problems, it is personal, and therefore any message related to you in private from STAFF members will be automatically ignored at the discretion of each one. I believe that we are all equal here, no one is different from anyone else, whether with different privileges or treatment. Everyone will be treated in the same cordial manner. In case someone doesn't have our discord. ask us via email Our email: sac@voeaerobrasil.com.br
Happy flying everyone!
Joab C.
ABS9007 - CEO
New modules!
Posted by Joab C. on 07/19/2023
Greetings Illustrious Commanders of the Brazilian Wings!
The new modules came into effect:
--> Aircraft market and maintenance
--> Ranks / ranks by aircraft
About aircraft maintenance and market:
I inform you that the aircraft market and maintenance module is already online, and we have started to calculate possible damages due to use, wear and tear, catastrophes and accidents.
The landing rate limit of -600Fpm is suspended until further notice, leaving you responsible for taking care of the aircraft. whether or not there is a total loss, we will take the necessary measures, such as maintenance and procurement. Aircraft will automatically enter maintenance and check below 70% damage.
As we had virtual resources from the VA in cash, we took the initiative to order about 20 aircraft, between new and used, so that in the future there could be contingency.
IMPORTANT: do not forget to send the pireps even with a hard landing, all the records will be extremely important, so that every investment in the immersion can be worthwhile.
About ranks, ranks by aircraft:
The new patents can be consulted at the crew center -> Information -> career: https://crew.voeaerobrasil.com.br/career
The patents x aircraft are now valid and the hours accounting has been redone, the equipment available for your rank will be on the smartcars list when creating your flight. Always pay attention to choosing the correct aircraft when generating the Simbrief OFP tb in the crew portal. Tours are still being adjusted.
We are currently adapting the site again to make the new SOPs available. The equivalence table is still valid, as long as I respect the aircraft classes and patents.
IMPORTANT: The other rules that may invalidate pireps other than those mentioned above in this NOTAM are in full force. If the pilot chooses: X-SELECT, in the Acars and OFP system, regardless of flying an aircraft within or outside the patent, their pireps will be invalidated, see SOP. We are still adjusting the situation regarding tours that are in progress.
For any questions, suggestions, requests for termination, open a ticket via discord or send an email to sac@voeaerobrasil.com.br
PS: Do not use the crew system aeromail, we have better tools for customer service.
We know that any change is not always pleasing and takes time to adapt. We have the support of all.
Happy flying everyone!
Joab C.
ABS9007 - CEO
NOTAM 06/19: Registration
Posted by Felipe Q. on 06/19/2023
Dear commanders,
It is with regret that we inform you of the temporary closure of registrations on our platform due to a significant number of false applications by people who have no legitimate reasons to use it. Our priority is to guarantee the quality and security of the services offered, and unfortunately, irresponsible actions by third parties have undermined this objective.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused and reiterate that we are taking all necessary steps to identify and resolve this issue. There is currently no timetable for when enrollment will reopen, but we are working hard to restore normalcy as quickly as possible.
In addition, we inform you that on June 30, 2023, our database will be cleaned. All captains who have not flown in the last 30 days will be automatically terminated. This action aims to optimize our infrastructure and ensure that AeroBrasil is used by those who are really interested in contributing and enjoying the experience of flying virtually.
We appreciate everyone's understanding at this delicate moment. We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all members of our community. As soon as there is news about reopening registration or any other updates, we will inform you promptly.
No further,
The Staff team.
Posted by Rafael L. on 31/03/2023
Distinguished Commanders,
We would like to inform you that, today, 03/31/2023, the maintenance of Aerobrasil's servers was completed and we take the opportunity to bring you some news.
From now on, our address will be http://www.voeaerobrasil.com or www.voeaerobrasil.com.br.
To contact the staff, you can usesac@voeaerobrasil.com.br It isstaffs@voeaerobrasil.com.br.
In addition, we implemented our Discord server. To access it, click on the link below and inform the server rules by reacting with ?. Don't forget to put your callsign and name as described. Then take the opportunity to read a summary of the VA rules on the va-rules channel. There are also links to the rules and the SOP. Consult whenever you need.
On the Discord server we leave text channels for general chat (you can share your flight photos too). It has the NOTAMs channel and a channel for disclosing events.
There are also two distinct voice channels: one for general chat and one for in-flight chat.
In addition, we implemented the ticket system. Whenever you have a problem, doubt, suggestion, etc. you can open a ticket for the staff.
Finally, here is the Discord server link:https://discord.gg/NHkYxrmv
Yours sincerely,
CEO and Staff of AeroBrasil
NOTE 08/2023: IMPORTANT: Maintenance of services!
Posted by Rafael C. on 30/03/2023
Distinguished Commanders,
We would like to inform you that, today, 03/30/2023, starting at 23:00h Brasília time, we will be carrying out maintenance on the AeroBrasil servers.
For this reason, we recommend that no flights be carried out from this time until the morning of 03/31/2023.
We are always working to make the simulation experience the best possible for all of us.
Yours sincerely,
CEO and Staff of AeroBrasil
NoEVENT OTAM: - Global online Day!
Posted by Rafael C. on 03/18/2023
Distinguished AeroBrasil pilots\r\n\r\nWe are inviting everyone to participate in the Global Online Day Event, which will be held on Saturday, March 25, 2023, from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
The event will be a contest for all IVAO VA's. Engagement will be measured in the number of hours and flights per pilot. This means that the more AeroBrasil pilots flying at the time of the event, as much time as possible, the better it will be for us.
The VA that has the most hours will be the winner. And the PRIZE will be a HQ event will be held for VA. This event will be a one-way airlift format, limited to 2 hours flight time or for division of VA origin.
The airlift can start or end in just one neighboring division.
And the Event will be named after AeroBrasil, if we win.
Once the winner is announced, the Events Department and the Flight Operations Department will coordinate available dates for the Event in the coming months.\r\n\r\n>> For the pilot who participates and flies at 5 hours of the event, there will be an Award at AeroBrasil, not forgetting to use the remark '/RMK GLOBALONLINE' in smartCars.
Contest rules:
The accounting threshold for the Event starts at 1630z (30 minutes before the events start) and ends at 2230z (30 minutes after the Event).
If pilots choose to start long distance flights, only the period of the Event will be counted. For example, if a pilot starts the flight at 5 pm and flies for 13 hours, only the 5 hours of the Event will be considered.
The count will be based on the list of VIDs sent by Virtual Airlines and their ICAO code; pilots flying ICAO VA's outside the VID list will not be considered.
Each additional flight increases your hours by 10%, making 1 flight 100% of the total hours, 2 flights 110%, 3 flights 120%, and so on up to a maximum of 150%.
The time has come to show the importance of AeroBrasil to the entire community and guarantee our exclusive HQ Event at IVAO.
Let's all fly together and show them who we are!\r\n\r\nDon't forget to remark '/RMK GLOBALONLINE' in SmartCars to guarantee your Award!!!\r\n\r\nUp 'em, Commanders!
NOTAM 07/2023: IVAO Event - Global online Day!
Posted by Rafael C. on 03/18/2023
Illustrious AeroBrasil pilots
We are inviting everyone to participate in the Global Online Day Event, which will take place on Saturday, March 25, 2023, from 17:00h to 222:00h.
The event will be a contest for all IVAO VA's. Engagement will be measured in the number of hours and flights per pilot. This means that the more AeroBrasil pilots flying at the time of the event, as much time as possible, the better it will be for us.
>> The VA that has the most hours will be the winner. And the PRIZE will be a HQ event will be held for VA. This event will be a one-way airlift format, limited to 2 hours flight time or for division of VA origin.
>> The airlift can start or end in just one neighboring division.
>> And the Event will be named after AeroBrasil, if we win.
>> Once the winner is announced, the Events Department and the Flight Operations Department will coordinate available dates for the Event in the coming months.
>> For the pilot who participates and flies at 5 hours of the event, there will be an Award at AeroBrasil, not forgetting to use the remark '/RMK GLOBALONLINE' in smartCars.
### Contest Rules ###
>> The accounting threshold for the Event starts at 1630z (30 minutes before the events start) and ends at 2230z (30 minutes after the Event).
>> If pilots choose to start long distance flights, only the period of the Event will be counted. For example, if a pilot starts the flight at 5 pm and flies for 13 hours, only the 5 hours of the Event will be considered.
>> The count will be based on the list of VIDs sent by Virtual Airlines and their ICAO code; pilots flying ICAO VA's outside the VID list will not be considered.
>> Each additional flight increases your hours by 10%, making 1 flight 100% of the total hours, 2 flights 110%, 3 flights 120%, and so on up to a maximum of 150%.
The time has come to show the importance of AeroBrasil to the entire community and guarantee our exclusive HQ Event at IVAO.
Let's all fly together and show them who we are!
Don't forget to remark '/RMK GLOBALONLINE' on SmartCars to secure your Award!!!
On them, Commanders!
Day 25/03/2023 17:00z-22:00z
Postd by Joab C. on 09/03/2023
Ishining Cmtes. from AeroBrasil!
It is with great joy and affection that the Presidency and the STAFF council, together with professionals from the community, very respectfully present the rebranding process of our dear VA.
We have a new logo, updated colors, originality.
Welcome to the new AeroBrasil, Brazilian Wings.
Our downloads section is already reformulated with:
--> Standard Operations Manuals
--> Utilities
--> Access links to Liveries (both NEW and Classic)
As for the Liveries repository: by clicking on the link, you will be sent to our cloud with the folders for each simulator, so the download of each painting is at the discretion of each pilot.
The new MTLs are already in the approval process together with IVAO, soon we will have news.
We are doing the VA career/ranks/patent analysis to make the tours more interesting.
A VA-exclusive Discord server.
A new equivalence table is in the final stages of preparation to improve the experience of those who enjoy flying light and executive aircraft on VA.
More news coming soon!
Good flights everyone!
Joab - ABS9007
Posted by Rafael C. on 02/02/2023
Distinguished Commanders,
AeroBrasil always values a simulation as close to reality as possible, so that it can bring the greatest immersion and fun possible for the Captain and consequently for the entire community.
Based on this premise, we at the Staff are noticing that it has been happening quite frequently, the fueling of the aircraft after the pushback and, mainly, with the engines running. As of today (02/02/2023), Pireps with refueling after pushback and engine activation will be rejected. Also because, in real life, this would jeopardize the safety of passengers and crew.
Good flights!
NOTAM 04/2023: Withdrawal of automatic PIREP
Posted by Rafael L. on 01/09/202
Illustrious Cmdts of AeroBrasil.
With the arrival of the new STAFF team, there have been some changes regarding the submission and analysis of Pireps. The main change was the acceptance, which is no longer automatic and is now checked by the STAFF with a little more discretion, following the rules of the new S.O.P of Jan/2023.
We ask new and existing pilots to read the new S.O.P., so that they can always have a more immersive and, consequently, more fun experience.
A big hug to all and good flights.
STAFF - D.O.V. General
NOTAM 03/2023: New STAFFS
Posted by Joab C. on 01/07/202
Dear Cmtes. from Aerobrasil - We are pleased to inform you that our selection and integration of new STAFFS has been set successfully.
Let's salute our new STAFFS - D.O.V. General (General Support):
Rafael Curvello - ABS9838
Rafael Leitão - ABS9723
Diego Pereira - ABS9770
Mauro Silva – ABS9956
Everyone is able to help us with matters related to Aerobrasil, granting awards, pireps, registration and routines in general.
Service: staffs.voeaerobrasil@gmail.com
General email: voeaerobrasil@gmail.com
NOTAM 02/2023: New S.O.P
Posted by Joab C. on 01/01/2023
Dear Cmtes. from AeroBrasil - Our S.O.P. updated is now available on the website. I suggest a brief reading, it will contain manuals about Rules, Conduct, Phraseology, SMARTCARS and types of flights, PIREPS Manuals, TOURS, COST INDEX, FLEET and equivalence table. good studies
That's it for now.
Good flights everyone!
Joab - ABS9007
NOTE EXTRA: Changes in the bow!
Posted by Joab C. on 12/05/2022
Greetings, Honorable Officers of AeroBrasil!
It is with great pleasure that I announce this:
As everyone knows, AeroBrasil has always done its best in these 2 years and with each renewal, to be the most versatile Brazilian VA today.
However, close to 3 years old, on that day 12/13/2022; Me, Joab, ABS9007, staff since January 2021 took over the interim Board of this VA and did as much as I could with the help of some and less of others that Brasileirinha dos Ares never stopped taking higher flights!
I inform you that I have decided to accept the proposal to acquire AeroBrasil and become CEO once and for all with the foundation of IKAROS Virtual. Of course, giving place of honor and merit to the founders and in particular, Rafael Lino, ABS9001, who will always have a captive chair in our cockpit.
With this turning of the page, changes, corrections are already being made. Both in organizational and technical structure.
There is no question of a merger between VA's. as philosophies and technologies differ.
I can guarantee that the partnership with Cmte. Flavio and his Canal Perna do Vento have always been in my plans and that AeroBrasil's essence of being a VA of charter flights will not change; and yes it will have refinements.
Here there was never competition, I want it clear, here is passion for simulation, learning and patience. The stats are being reorganized and are still available in the histories.
All are free to remain, or not.
I have plans to recruit new staff further down the line.
I ask for patience and understanding in advance.
Soon more news.
We wish you all good flights and attention to the rules as always. - That there will also be adaptations.
Posted by Joab C. on 09/30/2022
I come through this extraordinary NOTAM to inform you about the granting of Awards at each completion of the tours:
--> As soon as Cmte. At the end of a tour, you can get in touch directly with a member of the Staff, whether I am Joab, ABS9007 or Flávio, ABS9481 and as soon as possible we will grant your well-deserved decoration.
--> Don't forget to identify yourself with name, callsign and completed tour. date if possible.
--> Our email, instagram account and direct on whatsapp are also request channels.
NOTE: Awards are being awarded manually due to temporary system limitations, but future tours will be automated.
Good flights everyone!
Staff Aero Brazil
Posted by Joab C. on 09/21/2022
note of condolence
Distinguished Commanders of AeroBrasil,
Today we received the sad news of the death of the pilot and controller Mario Sergio Ferreira. A unique person who has always committed us and encouraged knowledge. Throughout his career on the IVAO NETWORK, he managed to be unforgettable for everyone with his “CHANGE” games, controlling the terminals in São Paulo, Goiania and in several others, and left us with a lot of learning. We also leave our condolences to the company TRANSBRASIL VIRTUAL in which he was a member and made his last flight that he was unable to complete.
Mario Sergio was very important for the virtual community, and we must thank him for all this evolution since 2005, an active member of the network together with all of us.
We at AEROBRASIL, and CANAL PERNA DO VENTO leave our deep and sincere regret and condolences to his family, friends and people who somehow had an interaction with him even if in a virtual way. And I hope that you find in God the strength you need to overcome the pain of loss and that God comforts you all.
It's our feelings,
Rest in peace.
Yours sincerely.
Presidency, Staff and pilots of AeroBrasil
Social media